We are publishing a series of blog posts that dip into a future in which the Commons Corporation has become part of life so that we can share how it will feel…
In this moment two mothers are talking about education and in particular new possibilities that have emerged for one because of inter-sector funding provided to fund education by the Elysia Commons.
“We’re moving George to a different school…”
“Oh, where to?”
“The Steiner school – John’s company has joined the Elysia Commons”
“Oh, yes – I’ve heard of that – so what’s it mean? Tea?”
“Yes” she said smiling and continued “well there are bursaries available to co-workers to help them send their children to schools that are also in the Commons, and we applied a while ago and just heard that we have been successful!”
“Was it because George is, you know, mmmm…”
“Struggling? A bit? Well yes, I suppose, school doesn’t seem to suit him… We sent him for some trial days at the Steiner school a while ago and they have a different emphasis – the child’s development rather than competition. He loved it anyway, and it feels right to us…”
“Good luck! Here’s your tea , so what do you mean ‘development over competition?’”
“Oh, where to?”
“The Steiner school – John’s company has joined the Elysia Commons”
“Oh, yes – I’ve heard of that – so what’s it mean? Tea?”
“Yes” she said smiling and continued “well there are bursaries available to co-workers to help them send their children to schools that are also in the Commons, and we applied a while ago and just heard that we have been successful!”
“Was it because George is, you know, mmmm…”
“Struggling? A bit? Well yes, I suppose, school doesn’t seem to suit him… We sent him for some trial days at the Steiner school a while ago and they have a different emphasis – the child’s development rather than competition. He loved it anyway, and it feels right to us…”
“Good luck! Here’s your tea , so what do you mean ‘development over competition?’”