Not For Profit Organisations in the Commons Society
Social / ethical enterprises or charities are able to join the Commons Societ by mutual agreement.
It is important for the Commons Society that such organisations do join as they provide a counter-balance to the for-profit organisations.
Why bring not-for-profit Organisations into the Commons Society?
- You can apply for funding from the Cultural Development funds.
- The organisations funding you will know you through the internal Commons Society communications, thus strengthening the experience and sense of community
- The Commons Society provides an additional purpose lock to protect the not-for-profit
- The Commons Society can provide an asset lock for non-charitable social enterprises
- The team have access to the same training and self development opportunities in the for-profits
What is the Commons Society Foundation?
This is the umbrella fund for the Commons Society into which the 30% cultural share of the distributed profit is paid. The Board of this Foundation is then responsible for distributing its funds amongst subsidiary organisations that directly support the cultural / social development of the Commons Society.
The Subsidiary Cultural Development Organisations
- Commons Society Education Trust
- Commons Society Health
- Commons Society Foundation for the Arts
- The Commons Society Social Development Trust – responsible for sharing the Commons Society model with the wider community