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Tangible Assets (Land and Property)
- Held in common ownership through mutualisation
- Economically sustainable financial return
- Asset backed
- Rent provides sustainable income
- Real financial return
- Members (investors) share ownership for the means of production of the real economy (its foundations)
- Held in separate property-only organisations
- Simple to run as organisations cannot trade – reduces risk through simplified operations
- Property cannot be borrowed against, except for the purpose of purchasing the property
Investment opportunity that allows personal wealth to contribute to the development of the commons
Investor community enriches the community of the Commons Society
- Tangible assets are locked by the CSoc*and / or appropriate charities through Custodian Trusteeship
- Purpose is locked as appropriate for the property, by the CSoc and / or appropriate charities through custodian trustees
- Directors are elected by members – one person one vote
- Shareholders are eligible to join the CSoc
- Shareholders are interested in the performance of the company and will hold Directors to account
- Potential “warmth body” for the tenant enterprises
- Investors may be interested to hear about tenants, particularly with farms and so on
- Investors may become customers of tenants